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Borrowed Billionaire #4 Under the Sea Page 3

  He pulled away from me and led me and my diving buddy to a part of the reef we hadn't yet seen. There was a sound there, like crackling bacon. I thought my ears were playing tricks on me, but I learned after we surfaced that it was the sound of the coral munching on its food.

  Here, the coral was every shade of pink and orange. As we held still, waiting, these feathery bits extended from the reef and undulated in the current. With a wave of his hand, they startled and withdrew once more.

  All too soon, it was time to surface. We still had plenty of oxygen, but the guides had their safety rules.

  We all surfaced, and I was glad to breathe normally again, though sad to leave the coral and everything beautiful below. As we climbed into the boat, where the staff was handing out juice boxes, I realized how thirsty I was.

  I hadn't said a word to Luthor Thorne yet, and was waiting for him to make the first move.

  He began by introducing himself to Suzanne and Simon. He sat beside me on the boat and threw his arm around my shoulder. Turning to me, he said, “I thought you were going to kick me in the nuts.”

  “I thought you were some pervy old man.”

  He raised his eyebrows and laughed. “I'm not old.”

  Suzanne and Simon had a good laugh at that. Simon then thanked him for inviting them on our tropical date. As far as Simon knew, Luthor and I were dating, and he didn't know the whole thing had been arranged between Mr. Thorne and Suzanne, acting as my pimp.

  I reached up and wiped water off the side of Luthor's face with my hand. He met my gaze with his hungry eyes, his cheeks looking almost hollow at that moment, and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was electric, and I wanted it to go on forever, but we were pulled apart by the movement of the boat's engine, starting up to take us back to the villas.

  There'd be another dive in a few hours if we were interested, plus we were welcome to toodle around the home reef around the resort, diving right off the dock. Luthor grabbed my hand and gave me a look that said he wanted to go back to the villa to “freshen up.”

  We were kissing as we opened the door to the room, his hot lips on my mouth, my cheek, down my neck and across my throat.

  I pulled open my wrap dress and his hands plunged in, stroking my back and reaching down into my bikini bottoms, gripping my cheeks and then picking me up.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the King-size bed.

  He threw me on the bed and yanked off my bottoms, folded my legs up, and gave me a cracking-loud spank on the ass.

  I was so stunned, I didn't know what to do. I lay there clutching my knees to my chest.

  He stuck his face down into my pussy and gave me a thrusting lick. As the tip of his tongue feathered over my clit, setting everything ablaze, the feeling traveled down from my clit and mingled with the sting on my ass from the slap, turning everything into a throbbing hotness. I parted my legs, wide, to let him in. He hungrily lapped at me, stopping only to say, “Salty from the sea.”

  “We could shower,” I said, breathing heavily.

  He grunted, no.

  I grabbed one of his hands and brought it to my mouth, to suck his fingers. They were salty from the sea, almost like sweat, but different. My mouth watered. I sucked harder on his fingers, and my pussy was in heaven, being licked and fingered by his other hand.

  I wanted his cock in my mouth, though. I pulled him up, away from the heavenly things he was doing, and pushed him back on the bed. He was much stronger than me, but utterly willing to be pushed around like this.

  He had on a white button-down shirt, loose-fitting for the tropics, and a pair of swim shorts with the most ridiculously loud jungle leaf pattern. I unbuttoned the shirt slowly and ran my fingertips over his hot skin. I licked his stomach, feeling taut muscles just under the skin. I straddled his legs and took my open wrap dress off, and my bikini top.

  His eyes grew wide at the sight of my nipples, firm and pink like ripe raspberries. He tugged me down to him and sucked the top of one breast into his mouth, and then the other. He buried his face between them and kissed up, all the way to my collarbone.

  I pulled away and traveled down, inch by inch, as though it was my mission to wash the sea salt off his body with my tongue. I kissed and sucked from his chin to his hard nipples and all over his chest, then down his stomach.

  Inside the jungle-leaf shorts, his erection was straining and full engorged. I squeezed it through the shorts, tracing an outline. He moaned and thrust into my hand, eyes closed in ecstasy and desire.

  I pulled at the drawstring to loosen the shorts, then gradually inched them down, revealing the tip first, giving it a kiss and a lick, and then the rest. Before I put him fully in my mouth, I teased up and down the sides of the shaft with my lips and tongue, breathing on him and running my hand up and down between his legs.

  He was so calm, so willing to lie still and be fondled and caressed. I was surprised he wasn't barking orders, telling me to call him Mr. Thorne and all that kinky business. My butt cheek was still stinging from that one good slap, or was it? My whole body was tingling, anyway.

  I tipped up his cock with one hand and sucked him into my mouth, applying a little more friction than he expected, because he convulsed under me, surprised.

  I looked up at him through my eyelashes, bobbing up and down on that gorgeous cock of his, and he made eye contact and gave me a smile, his look changing from hungry to blissful.

  With a little sea salt, his cock was delicious, though it would have been just fine unseasoned. It was a lovely piece of equipment, a magnificent tool, so hard and sturdy, yet covered in softness.

  “Careful,” he said, grinning.

  “Mm?” I kept sucking, but I knew what he meant. He was stiffening more, the sac pulling up in anticipation. Under my seat, his legs straightened and tensed. He held his breath, and when his penis began to pulse, he groaned and made a facial expression that was both hard and soft.

  I sucked him back and swallowed, maintaining pressure and rhythm.

  I kept sucking until he softened in my mouth and trembled under me, at which point I released him and moved up to lie alongside him. He was sweaty, as was I. After a moment, I reached over and clicked the button to turn up the overhead fan in that part of the villa.

  He squeezed me close and said, “That was great.”

  I rubbed my legs together. I hadn't come yet, and I was keen to move on to the next part.

  He yawned. “So exhausted. Long flight.”

  I traced my finger along his stomach, wondering if I needed to spell it out for him.

  He flinched and pushed my hand away. “No fair tickling! Hey, should we get room service or do you want to go for dinner at the restaurant?”

  “Um. Restaurant.”

  “Great. Hey, would you wake me up in about an hour? That should do the job.”

  Do the job?

  I went over the events in my mind. He'd given me oral sex, and then I'd pulled him up and stuck his cock in my mouth. When I thought about it, it seemed possible he might have thought I'd come already and was returning the gesture.

  I decided not to make a big deal out of it, to chalk it up to a miscommunication, and I rolled out of bed to have a shower.

  “One hour,” he said, his voice thick and sleepy.

  I winked at him, though his eyes were closed and he wouldn't have seen it. “You bet, baby. One hour.”

  3: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

  I banged on Suzanne's villa door for several minutes before a messy-haired Simon opened the door, squinting at me because he didn't have his glasses on.


  “Yes, it's me, Lexie,” I said. “Who else would it be?”

  He frowned. “Trouble in paradise?”

  I glanced behind me, at the ocean, just as a porpoise jumped out of the water.

  “Actually, I guess everything's pretty good,” I said, and I meant it. Luthor was there, with me. So our first sex session at the resort hadn't be
en the greatest sex ever. We were there for two more days and nights, and there was still time.

  Simon waved me in and located his glasses, then began mixing me a drink.

  “I should pace myself,” I said, since it wasn't even dinner time.

  He chucked a wedge of lemon at me. “You're on holiday!”

  I grabbed a handful of ice and chased after Simon, threatening to put it down his shorts. He yowled and ran around the villa like I was trying to murder him. Suzanne came out of the bathroom in a silk kimono. Once she determined I was not trying to murder her spouse, she helped me catch him and put the ice cubes down his shorts.

  Back at my villa, before I woke up Luthor, I brushed my teeth and fixed my makeup. By the time I felt presentable, we were practically late for dinner.

  I gently nudged him awake.

  He didn't roll around groggily, as I would have, but simply opened his eyes, sat up, stretched, then stepped out of bed.

  I said, “Wow, you wake up easy. I'd have that pillow over my head by now.”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek on the way into the bathroom. “I wasn't always this way, but when I was twenty-two, I trained myself to get up without wasting time. You're going to get up anyway, so why not just do it?”

  “Uh, because it's human not to?”

  “Hey,” he said, pretending to be hurt. “I'm human.”

  I looked down his nude body, admiring every bit of skin. “I'll say.”

  He pulled away from my grasp and dashed off to the bathroom. “After dinner.”

  “Oh, to hell with dinner.”

  He raised one finger and playfully commanded, “Lexie, be good.”


  He shut the door and turned on the shower. I felt a little ridiculous for barking on command, but it had seemed like the right thing to do.

  Then again, what did I know? I'd worked for some rich people in my career as a freelance professional organizer, but I certainly hadn't dated one. Did they just joke around like normal people?

  Oh, man, I was in way over my head.

  Dinner was incredible.

  We started with drinks, because—as Simon kept reminding us—we were on vacation.

  The smiling Indonesian woman who was serving us brought over our first round of drinks.

  Luthor looked up sweetly and said, “Sue, you look well. How is your grandmother?”

  The woman—Sue—blushed and said, “Much better, Mr. Thorne. Thank you. You have a good memory.”

  After she walked away, Luthor reached a hand over and lazily squeezed my knee. “I was here about a year ago, and Sue's grandmother was having surgery on her hip. Nothing serious.”

  For a jealous moment, I wondered if Luthor had talked about this with Sue when she was in his villa with him, but he gave me a flirty look, and I realized I was being silly.

  We had more drinks and talked about the diving that day, with Simon saying things like, “And the fish with the big eyes! I thought it was going to eat me,” and “I saw a shadow go across me, and I swear there was a shark coming to eat me, and then we saw the clown fish—”

  Luthor finished the story by interrupting “—and it ate off my thumb!” He waved his hand in the air with his thumb tucked under and we all laughed.

  The staff brought us course after course of delicious, fragrant food. I would eat a little of one dish and then try to push my plate away, saying I was full, but then Suzanne would insist I try a satay, and force a stick of grilled meat onto my plate.

  The guys were drinking a lot of beer, and before too long, Luthor excused himself to find the washroom.

  As soon as he left the table, Suzanne and Simon practically leapt upon me with excitement.

  “Marry him,” Simon said. “You marry him, or I'm going to divorce this one and I'll marry him.”

  Suzanne giggled and shoved her husband. “You're stuck with me. But we could move to a state that allows polygamy.”

  Getting theatrical, Simon said, “Oh, no, honey, he's all mine. That man is magnificent.” He kept going, despite Suzanne trying to cover his mouth. “He's a magnificent beast.”

  Nearly in tears, I begged them both to shut up before he returned.

  “It's kinda casual,” I explained to Simon.

  Simon leaned in. “Don't tell him I know this, but I was talking to one of the housekeepers, and an anonymous benefactor paid for that woman Sue's grandmother to get her hip replaced. They don't know who it was, but I have a pretty good idea.”

  “Wow,” Suzanne said, her eyes all big.

  “You guys, he's a billionaire. That's probably what they do instead of leaving a tip. Just, oh, here you go, have some really expensive surgery on me, thanks for the sangria.”

  They both stopped laughing and narrowed their eyes at me. Simon coughed and pushed his glasses up his nose.

  I said, “What? Is he standing right behind me?”

  They glanced at each other.

  Simon said, “No, but jeez Lexie, you sound so cynical.”

  Suzanne nodded. “Yeah. Just a weensy bit. Lighten up.”

  I kicked her under the table and gave her mean-eyes. I sent a silent, telepathic message at my best friend: Suzanne, you brat! You're the one who pimped me out and auctioned off my ass to be here so you guys could have your second honeymoon. And you think I'm cynical? I'm just trying to protect myself.

  As I was sending thought-daggers at her, Luthor appeared beside me and patted me on the shoulder.

  “We may have to hit the dance floor,” he said. “Get this party started.”

  Simon grooved from side to side, snapping his fingers. “All right.”

  “Good,” Suzanne said. “I'll have dessert, and then we can dance off the calories.”

  Luthor leaned in beside me and murmured in my ear, “There are lots of ways to burn off calories.”

  I turned and stared into his eyes, with their outer edges of brown and inner rings of green and gold. His eyes were so captivating. I was going to say something sassy about calories and dancing, but instead I just said, “You're the boss.”

  He chuckled at that and looked away quickly.

  Simon, who was by now a little drunk, said, “Don't believe 'em! They say you can be the boss, but then you get married, and you find out you're not the boss at all.” He waved a hand emphatically. “You're not even the boss of yourself.”

  Suzanne stood and pulled Simon to his feet. “Sure, sweetheart, I'd love to dance,” she said, and she led him over to the dance floor.

  Luthor watched them for a moment, then turned to me and said, “Is Simon an accountant?”

  “How'd you guess?”

  “One of my accountants dances the exact same way. With the fingers snapping and everything.”

  “He has decent rhythm,” I said.

  Luthor put a hand on my leg and ran it gradually up, under my skirt. Sparks shot through me and my pussy began to throb.

  “Rhythm is important,” Luthor said.

  I squeezed my thighs together tightly, trapping his hand. “So's accounting.”

  He wiggled his hand and slipped further up so that one finger was stroking the outside of my panties. “Lots of things are important.”

  “Like discretion,” I said, smiling. We were in a dark corner of the restaurant, and my lap was mostly hidden by the tablecloth, but not completely.

  That didn't stop him from nudging his fingers further and pulling aside the material of my underwear. He ran his fingers up and down my wet folds, the sensation of his touch echoing deep inside me. I could hardly breathe, but I reached for a glass of ice water and drank slowly. At the same time, he penetrated me with one finger and then pulled it out and dragged it over and across my clit. The water was icy cold in my mouth and my pussy was hot.

  He pulled away his hand and stuck his finger in his mouth, making eye contact with me the entire time.

  Those eyes. They were so hungry. He wanted me. No, he needed me.

  I said to him, “Did you
pay for that woman's grandmother's surgery?”

  His eyebrows raised. “Gossip, gossip. Who told you that?”

  “Why wouldn't you want me to know you're a decent guy?”

  He shifted in his chair and looked down. “Can you do me a favor?”


  He grabbed my hand, which was still around my water glass, and pulled it to his lap. He grinned, as though relishing what was about to happen. “Can you just treat me like I'm the gardener? Like the day we first met? I'm just some guy.”

  “Right.” I nodded, then shook my head, confused. “You're just some guy? What about all that 'Call me Mr. Thorne' business at the restaurant? What about 'Lexie, sit! Good girl.'”

  “We can play that some other time, if you want. But for now ...”

  He kissed my hand.

  “Treat you like the gardener. Okay. Does the gardener dance?”

  He tipped his head to one side. “I'm a gardener, not a dancer, but I've got a few moves.” He stood and helped me to my feet, then led me to the dance floor.

  As he twirled me around, I tried not to think about the sensation between my legs. My lips were fat and swollen with desire, and I wanted nothing more than to stop dancing and go back to the villa. When he grabbed me close and ground his pelvis into mine, my clit ached for more than subtle pressure.

  The wine had gone to my head. Everything had gone to my head.

  I was half a world away from my life, at the edge of an island, overlooking the ocean. My best friends were there, so in love, and there were porpoises just outside. I was in the fairy tale, only it was better than a fairy tale … because there was sex in my story. Or at least soon there would be.

  We enjoyed a few more drinks to refresh us between dances.

  That evening's entertainment was a professional dancer who gave us a few lessons. She danced with Luthor, eyefucking him the entire time. I didn't mind, because I got to ogle that sweet, firm ass of his as he danced, extending one long leg behind him, his chest proud and broad.